How will a changing climate affect the future of vector borne diseases?
https://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&edid=eaaa2691-f2e2-4ecd-9e5e-f2985210b663 Open...

Experts Co-Author Article Examining Need For Global Health Security Investment In Latin America

COVID-19 Pandemic -"In my own words" 1663 Magazine

Climate Change and Emerging Infectious Diseases
Recent interview with BBC World on the role of climate and environmental change on emerging infectious diseases.

Uzbekistan-U.S.Joint Committee Meeting
So many years ago now but a memorable experience to be a part of this Science and Technology meeting. Ran across this video done by the...

Bird population plummets in pinon forests pummeled by climate-change
A nice article in Audubon magazine on our recent article documenting a large decrease in bird individuals and avian species in areas of...

Open pipes are hidden killers for birds
Recent press on our work at Los Alamos National Laboratory on the impacts of open pipes and bollards on birds. Cavity-nesting birds are...

Help find a missing monkey
My colleague at Global Conservation Institute is setting off on an expedition deep into the Amazon to find a missing monkey species that...

Biosurveillance planning research modeling avian influenza nominated for "Scientific Achievemen
Recently, a paper written by the epidemiology team that I am part of at Los Alamos National Laboratory was nominated for a Scientific...

Central Reference Laboratory in Kazakhstan
One of the most rewarding aspects of my past position with the Cooperative Biological Engagement Program was serving as the science...