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“Science knows no country because knowledge belongs to humanity,and is the torch that illuminates the world”

~ Louis Pasteur ~

Journal Publications

Walsh, J., R. Bowman, J. Brawn, K. M. Covino, K. Dugger, R.C. Fleischer, J. Houtz, S. M. Mahoney, M. Pruett-Jones, Corey Tarwater, and J.M. Fair. 2022. Professional ethics in the American Ornithological Society: survey findings and future directions. Ornithology In Press.

Libertin C.R., Kempaiah P., Gupta Y., Fair J.M., van Regenmortel M.H.V., Antoniades A., Rivas A.L., Hoogesteijn A.L. 2022. Data structuring may prevent ambiguity and improve personalized medical prognosis. Molecular Aspects in Medicine Sep 15:101142. doi: 10.1016/j.mam.2022.101142

Bartlow, A.W. Stromberg, Z. Gleasner, C., Hu, B., Davenport, K., Jakhar, S, Li1, P., Vosburg, M., Garimella, M., Chain, P.S.G., Erkkila, T., J.M. Fair, and H. Mukundan. 2022. Comparing variability in diagnosis of upper respiratory tract infections in patients using syndromic, next generation sequencing, and PCR-based methods. PLoS Global Public Health. 2(7): e0000811.

Bartlow, A.W., Moser, S.K., Ellis, J.E., Hathcock, C.D. and J.M. Fair. 2022. Comparing western (Megascops kennicottii) and whiskered (M. trichopsis) screech-owl microbiomes in southern Arizona using a novel 16s rRNA sequencing method. Animal Microbiome. 4(1):45

Gakuya, F., Akoko, J., Wambua, L., Nyamota, R., Ronoh, B., Lekoloo, I., Mwatondo, A. Muturi,

M., Ouma, C., Nthiwa, D., Middlebrook, E., Fair, J., Gachohi, J.,Kariuki Njenga, M., and B. Bett. 2022. Evidence of co-exposure with Brucella spp, Coxiella burnetii, and Rift Valley fever virus among various species of wildlife in Kenya. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 16(8) e0010596

Parekh, F. K., J.Hay, K.Tabynov, R. Hewson, J. M. Fair, S. Essbauer, and K. B. Yeh. 2022.

Cooperative Research and Infectious Disease Surveillance: A 2021 Epilogue. Frontiers in

Public Health, 9.

Middlebrook, E. A., Romero, A. T., Bett, B., Nthiwa, D., Oyola, S. O., Fair, J. M., & Bartlow, A.

W. (2022). Identification and distribution of pathogens coinfecting with Brucella spp.,

Coxiella burnetii and Rift Valley fever virus in humans, livestock and wildlife. Zoonoses and Public Health, 00, 1– 20.

Gorris, M. E., Bartlow, A. W., Temple, S. D., Romero-Alvarez, D., Shutt, D. P., Fair, J. M.,

Kaufeld, K. A., Del Valle, S. Y., Manore, C. A. (2021). Updated distribution maps of predominant Culex mosquitoes across the Americas. Parasites Vectors 14, 547

Yeh, K.B., Parekh, F.K., Tabynov, K., Tabynov, K., Hewson, R., Fair, J.M., Essbauer, S., Hay,

J., 2021. Operationalizing Cooperative Research for Infectious Disease Surveillance: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward. Frontiers in Public Health 9.

Abeyta*, E.J., A.W. Bartlow, C. D. Hathcock, and J. M. Fair. 2021. Individual nest site

preferences do not explain upslope population shifts of a secondary cavity-nesting species. Animals 11, 2457.

Sanchez A.A., Bartlow A.W., Chan A.M., Fair J.M., Skinner A.A., Hutchins K., et al. 2021. A

field guide for aging passerine nestlings using growth data and predictive modeling. Avian Research 12:28. doi:10.1186/s40657-021-00258-5

Yeh, K., F. Parekh, J. Fair, and B. Borgert. 2021. The importance for engaging Latin America

through biological threat reduction and related global health security programs. Global Security: Health, Science and Policy, 6:1, 18-25,

Fair, J.M. LeClaire, R., Dauelsberg, L., Ewers, M., Pasqualini, D., Cleland, T. and W.

Rosenberger. 2021. Systems Dynamics and the uncertainties of diagnostics and testing and contact tracing for COVID-19. Methods

Xie, G. and J.M. Fair. 2021. Shortest Unique Representative Hidden Markov Model (SurHMM)

for Biothreat Detection. BMC Research 14:122

Bartlow A.W., Middlebrook E.A., Romero* A.T., Fair J.M. 2021. How cooperative engagement programs strengthen sequencing capabilities for biosurveillance and outbreak response. Frontiers in Public Health 9.

Bartlow A.W., Jankowski M.D., Hathcock C.D., Ryti R.T., Reneau S.L., and J.M. Fair. 2021.

Sex ratio of Western Bluebirds (Sialia mexicana) is mediated by phenology and clutch size. Ibis

Bartlow, A.W., Machalaba, C., Karesh, W.B., and J.M. Fair. 2021. Biodiversity and Global Health: Intersection of Health, Security and the Environment. Global Health Security doi: 10.1089/hs.2020.0112.

Dolinski*, A.C., M. D. Jankowski, J.M. Fair, and J.C. Owen. 2020. The Association Between SAα2,3Gal and Avian Influenza Viral Load in Mallards (Anas Platyrhynchos) and Blue-Winged Teals (Spatula discors). BMC Veterinary Research. https://10.21203/rs.2.24168/v2

Yeh, K. Fair, J.M, Smith, W. Martinez Torres, T. Lucas, J. Monagin, C. Winegar, R.

And J. Fletcher. 2020. Assessing Climate Change Impact on Ecosystems and Infectious Disease: Important Roles for Genomic Sequencing and a One Health Perspective. Trop. Med. Infect. Dis. 2020, 5, 90.

Bartlow, A., Manore, C., Xu,C.,  Kaufeld, K.A., Del Valle, S, Ziemann, A., Fairchild,

G., and J.M. Fair. 2020. Climate change is driving the expansion of zoonotic diseases. Research Outreach. May 2020

Ambrosiano, J., Sims, B., Bartlow, A.W. Rosenberg, W., Ressler, M. and J.M. Fair. 2020.

Ontology-Based Graphs of Research Communities: A Tool for Understanding Threat Reduction Networks. Frontiers Research Metrics and Analysis.

Strochkov, S. Burashev, Y., Sandybayev, N., Xie, G., Erkkila, T.H., Cui, H., and J.M. Fair. 2020.

Whole Genomes of Avian orthoavulavirus 1 (Newcastle Disease Virus Genotypes VIg or new genotype XXI.) in Wild Birds in Kazakhstan. Virology & Mycology1Virol Mycol Open Access, Vol.9 Iss.1 No:183.

Jacobs,* L., McMahon B.H., Berendzen J., Longmire J., Gleasner C., and N.W. Hengartner.

California condor microbiomes: Bacterial variety and functional properties in captive-bred individuals. 2019. PLoS ONE 14:e0225858. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0225858.

Hraber P., O’Maille P.E., Silberfarb A., Davis-Anderson K., Generous N., McMahon B.H., and

J.M. Fair. 2019. Resources to Discover and Use Short Linear Motifs in Viral Proteins. Trends in Biotechnology. 2019. doi:

Wysner,* T., Bartlow, A.W., Hathcock, C.W., and J.M. Fair. 2019. Phenological changes in two southwestern North American secondary cavity-nesting passerines. Science of Nature 106: 54.

Jankowski, M.D., S. Glaberman, D.B. Kimball, K. J. McCabe, and J.M. Fair. 2019. Sialic acid quantity and glycosidic linkage on avian erythrocytes. Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2019:110336.

Musgrave, K*., A. Bartlow, and J.M. Fair. 2019. Long‐term variation in environmental

conditions influence host–parasite fitness. Ecology and Evolution. 2019; 00:1–16. Doi: 10.1002/ece3.5321.

Rivas A.L., Hoogesteijn A.L., Antoniades A., Tomazou M., Buranda T., Perkins D.J., Fair, J.M.

Durvasula, R., Fasina, F.O. Tegos, G.P.and M. H. van Regenmortel. 2019. Assessing the Dynamics and Complexity of Disease Pathogenicity Using 4-Dimensional Immunological Data. Frontiers in Immunology.10(1258). doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01258.

Yeh, K., Fair, J.M.., Cui, H., Newman, C., Braunstein, G., Chanturia, G.,Vora, S.,Chittenden,

K., Tseng, A., Monagin, C., and J. Fletcher. 2019. Achieving health security and threat reduction through sharing sequence data. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases 4(2),78;

Bartlow, A., Manore, C., Xu,C.,  Kaufeld, K.A., Del Valle, S, Ziemann, A., Fairchild,

G., and J.M. Fair. 2019. Forecasting Zoonotic Infectious Disease Response to Climate Change: Mosquito Vectors and a Changing Environment. Veterinary Sciences. 6:6 DOI 10.3390/vetsci6020040

Hittner, J.B., A. L. Hoogesteijn, J. M. Fair, M. H. V. van Regenmortel, and A. L. Rivas. 2019.

The Third Cognitive Revolution: The consequences and possibilities for biomedical research. EMBO Reports 20(4) e47647 DOI 10.15252/embr.201847647

Mansbach, R.A., Travers, T., McMahon, B., Fair, J.M., and S. Gnanakaran. Snails In Silico: A

Review of Computational Studies on the Conopeptides. 2019/ Marine Drugs 17(3), 145;

Fair J.M., Hathcock C.D., Bartlow A.W. 2018. Avian communities are decreasing with piñon

pine mortality in the southwest. Biological Conservation 2018, 226:186-195.

Gaukler, S.M., Hathcock, C. D and J.M. Fair. 2018. Inorganic elements in eggs of

two cavity-nesting passerine species at and around Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico. Journal of Environmental Protection 9:932-940. DOI: 10.4236/jep.2018.99058

Gaukler, S.M., Hansen, L.A., Hathcock, C. D and J.M. Fair. 2018. Organic Chemical Concentrations in Eggs and Nestlings of Cavity Nesting Birds at and around Los Alamos National Laboratory. Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology 8:1 DOI: 10.4172/2161-0525.1000549

Rivas A.L., G. Leitner, M.D. Jankowski, A.L. Hoogesteijn, M.J. Iandiorio, S. Chatzipanagiotou, A. Ioannidis, S.E. Blum SE, R. Piccinini, A. Antoniades, J. Fazio, Y. Apidianakis,  J.M. Fair, and Van Regenmortel. 2017. Nature and consequences of biological reductionism and non-reductionist alternatives applicable to infectious diseases. Frontiers in Immunology. 8:612 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00612

Fair, J.M. 2017. Editorial: Biological Engagement Programs: Reducing Threats and Strengthening Global Health Security Through Scientific Collaboration. Frontiers in Public Health.

Brace, A. J., M. J. Lajeunesse, D. R. Ardia, D. Hawley, J. S. Adelman, K. L. Buchanan, J. M. Fair, J. Grindstaff, K. D. Matson, and L. B. Martin. 2017. Costs of immune responses are related to body mass and life history. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A :2017:1-8

Iandiorio, M.J., J. M Fair, S. Chatzipanagiotou, A.Ioannidis, E. Trikka-Graphakos, N.

Charalampaki, C. Sereti, G.P. Tegos, A. L. Hoogesteijn, and A. L Rivas. 2016. Preventing data ambiguity in infectious diseases with four-dimensional, earlier, personalized, in vivo evaluations. PloS One 11:  e0159001. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0159001.

Fassbinder-Orth, C.A., Wilcoxen, T.E., Tran, T., Boughton, R.K., Fair, J., Hofmeister, E., Grindstaff, J.L., and J. Owen. 2016. Immunoglobulin detection in wild birds: effectiveness of three secondary anti-avian IgY antibodies in direct ELISAs in 41 avian species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12583

Fair, J.M. 2016. How Do Collaborative Research and Scientific Networks Reduce the Threat of Infectious Diseases? Proceedings of the Epigenetics and Genomics of Infectious Diseases Conference, Amman, Jordan, March 2016.

Fair, J.M., M. Stokes, D. Pennington and I. Mendenhall. 2016. Scientific Collaborations: How do we Measure the Return on Relationships? Frontiers Public Health.

Blackburn, J.  I.T. Kracalik, and J. M. Fair.  2016. Applying Science: opportunities to inform disease management policy with cooperative research within a One Health framework. Frontiers Public Health. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00276.

*Jacobs, A.J. and J.M. Fair.  2016. Bacteria-killing ability of fresh and frozen plasma. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 191:115-8

Brown, M., L. Moore, D. Powell, B. McMahon, M. LaBute, J. Hyman, A. Rivas, M. Greene, M. Jankowki, J. Berendzen, J. Loeppky, and J. Fair. 2015. Constructing Rigorous and Broad Biosurveillance Networks for Detecting Emerging Zoonotic Outbreaks. PloS One10: e0124037. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0124037.

*Jacobs, A.C., Fair, J.M., and Zuk, M. 2015. Parasite infection, but not immune response, influences paternity in western bluebirds. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69:193–203.

*Jacobs, A.C., Fair, J.M., and Zuk, M. 2014. Coloration, paternity, and assortative mating in western bluebirds. Ethology 120:1-11.

Hathcock, C. and Fair, J.M. 2014. Hazards to birds from open metal pipes. Western North American Naturalist 74: 228-230.

Haig, S.M., D’Elia, J., Eagles-Smith, C., Fair, J.M., Gervais, J., Herring, G., Rivers, J.W. and J. H. Schulz.  2014. The persistent problem of lead poisoning in birds from ammunition and fishing tackle. Condor Ornithological Applications 116: 408–428.

McMahon, B.H., Manore, C.A., Hyman J, LaBute, M.X., and J.M. Fair. 2014. Coupling vector-host dynamics with weather geography and mitigation measures to model Rift Valley Fever in Africa. Mathematical Modeling Natural Phenomenon. Vol. 9: 161-177.

LaBute, M.X., J.M. Fair, B.H. McMahon, and M. Brown. 2014. A flexible spatial framework for modeling spread of pathogens in animals with biosurveillance and disease control applications. International Journal of Geo-Information. 3(2): 638-661. DOI:10.3390/ijgi3020638

Fair, J.M. and A. Rivas. Systems Biology and Ratio-based, Real-time Disease Surveillance. 2014.  Transboundary and Emerging Infectious Diseases. DOI: 10.1111/tbed.12162

Jankowski, M.J., Fair, J.M., and J. Owen. 2013. Birds shed RNA-viruses according to the Pareto Principle. PLoS One. 8(8): e72611

Haig, S.M., J. D’Elia, C. Eagles-Smith, J. M. Fair, J. Gervais, G. Herring, J. W. Rivers, and J. H. Schulz. 2013. Perspectives in Ornithology. The Persistent Problem of Lead Poisoning in Birds from Ammunition and Fishing Tackle. The Condor 116:408-428.

Pennington, D.D., G. Simpson, M. McConnell, J.M. Fair, and R. Baker. 2013.  

Transdisciplinary Research, Transformational Learning, and Transformative Science: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Revisited. Bioscience 63 (5):564-573

Fair, J.M., T. B. Ryder, B. A. Loiselle, J. G. Blake, J. M. Heikoop, and T. E. Larson. 2013. Estimate of dietary overlap in six species of Amazonian manakins using stable isotopes. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 49(3):420-435.

Rivas, A.L., M D Jankowski; R. Piccinini, G. Leitner,  D. Schwarz; K. L Anderson; J. M Fair. A.

L Hoogesteijn, W. Wolter, M. Chaffer, S. Blum; T. Were, S. N Konah, P. Kempaia, J.M Ong'echa; U. S Diesterbeck, R. Pilla, C.P. Czerny, J. M Hyman, J.B Hittner, and D.J Perkins. 2013. Feedback-based, system-level properties of vertebrate-microbial interactions. PLoS One. 8(2): e53984. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053984

*Jacobs AJ, *Reader L, and J.M. Fair. 2013. What determines the rates of double brooding in

Western Bluebirds? The Condor 115:386-393.

Rivas, A.L., Folorunso O. Fasina, A. L. Hoogesteijn, S. N. Konah, D. J. Perkins, J.M. Hyman,

J.M. Fair, and S. D. Smith 2012. Connecting network properties of rapidly disseminating epidemics. PloS One. 7(6): e39778. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039778.

Fair, J.M., D.R. Powell, L. LeClaire, L. Moore, L. Daulesburg, L., M. Wilson, M. Samsa, S. DeLand, G. Hirsch, and B. Bush. 2012. Uncertainty of Pandemic Influenza.  International Journal Risk Assessment and Management 16: 1-27.

Fair, J. M., K. J. Taylor-McCabe, Y. Shou, and B. L. Marrone. 2012. Immunophenotyping of Avian Lymphocytes: Implications and Future for Understanding West Nile virus in Birds. Studies in Avian Biology 42: 81-90

Jankowski, M., Kimball, D., McCabe, K., and J.M.  Fair. 2011. Investigating influenza andmalaria host range by surveying avian sialic acid.  Integrative and Comparative Biology,  Vol.51 Suppl 1, pp.E206-E206.


*Manore, C., B. H. McMahon, J.M. Fair, J. M. Hyman, M. Brown, and M. LaBute. 2011. Disease Properties, Geography, and Mitigation Strategies in a Simulation Spread of Rinderpest Across the United States. Veterinary Research. 42:55-64

Fair, J., E. Paul, and J. Jones, Eds. 2010. Guidelines to the Use of Wild Birds in Research.

Washington, D.C.: Ornithological Council.

Fair, J.M., N.M. Nemeth, K.J, Taylor-McCabe, Y. Shou, and B.L. Marrone. 2011. Clinical

and acquired immunologic responses to WNV infection of domestic chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus). Poultry Science 90: 328-336.

Fair, J.M. and M.D. Jankowski. 2010. Bird conservation is public health intervention. New

Mexico Ornithological Bulletin. 37:94-99.

Fair, J.M. and L.M. Marsh. 2010. An arroyo bank-nesting mountain bluebird (Sialia

currucoides) in northern New Mexico. Western Birds 21:1-4.

Fair, J.M., B. Hanelt, and K *Burnett. 2010. Horsehair worms (Gordius robustus) in nests of the

western bluebird (Sialia mexicana): evidence for anti-predator avoidance? Journal of Parasitology 96: 429-430.

Fair, J.M. and S. Whitaker. 2008. Avian cell-mediated immune response to drought. Wilson J Ornithology 120:813-819.

*Swenson, N., J.M. Fair. and J. Heikoop. 2008 Water stress and hybridization between Quercus cambelii and Quercus crisea. Western North American Naturalist 68:498-507.

*Burnett, K. S. and J.M. Fair. 2008. The winter diet of the mountain bluebird (Sialia currucoides) in northern New Mexico. New Mexico Ornithological Bulletin 36: 65-67.

Fair, J. M., K. J. Taylor-McCabe, Y. Shou, and B. L. Marrone. 2008. Immunophenotyping of Chicken Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Subpopulations: Individual Variability and Repeatability. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 125: 268-273.

Fair, J.M., R.J. LeClaire, M.L. Wilson, A.L. Turk, S.M. DeLand, D.R. Powell, P.C. Klare, M.

Ewers, and D. Izraelevitz. 2007 "An Integrated Simulation of Pandemic Influenza Evolution, Mitigation and Critical Infrastructure Response”. 2007 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security

*Fair, J.M., S.J. Whitaker and B. Pearson. 2007. Sources of variation in haematocrit in birds. Ibis 149:535-552.

*Fair, J.M and S. Whitaker 2006. Avian Influenza: Birds, Humans, and Threat to Felines. The

New York City Veterinarian. 47(4):5.

Fair, J.M. and J. Heikoop. 2006. Stable isotope dynamics of nitrogen sewage effluent uptake in a

semi-arid wetland. Environmental Pollution 140:500-505

Fair, J.M. and D. Breshears. 2005. Drought stress and fluctuating asymmetry in Quercus undulatta leaves: confounding effects if absolute and relative amounts of stress. Journal of Arid Environments.62:235-249.

Fair, J.M., O.B Myers, and R.E. Ricklefs. 2003. Immune and Growth Response of Western Bluebirds and Ash-Throated Flycatchers to Soil Contaminants. Ecological Applications. 13:1817-1829.

*Whitaker, S. and Fair, J.M. 2002. The costs of immunological challenge to developing mountain chickadee (Poecile gambeli) in the wild. Oikos 99:161-165.

Fair J.M., and O.B. Myers. 2002. Early reproductive success of western bluebirds and ash-throated flycatchers: A landscape-contaminant perspective. Environmental Pollution 118(3):321-30.

Fair, J.M. and R.E. Ricklefs. 2002. Physiological, growth, and immune response of Japanese quail chicks to the multiple stresses of immunological challenge and lead shot. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 42:77-87.

Fair. J.M. and O.B. Myers. 2002. The ecological and physiological costs of lead on developing western bluebirds. Ecotoxicology 11:53-62.

Fair, J.M., E. Hansen, and R.E. Ricklefs. 1999. Growth, developmental stability, and immune response in juvenile Japanese quail. Proc. Soc. London. B. Series 266:1735-1742.

Miller, C. and J.M. Fair. 1997. The effects of blow fly parasitism on nestling Savannah Sparrows in Alaska. Can. J. Zool. 75:641-644.

Fair, J.M., P.L. Kennedy, and L.C. McEwen. 1995. The effects of carbaryl grasshopper

            control on nesting killdeer (Charadrius vociferus). Environ. Toxic. Chem. 14:881-890.

Kennedy, P.L., D.W. Stahlecker, and J.M. Fair. 1995. Organochlorine contaminants in avian prey of the peregrine falcon in northern New Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist 40:94-100.

Fair, J.M., P.L. Kennedy, and L.C. McEwen. 1995. Diet of nesting Killdeer in North Dakota.

            Wilson Bull. 107:174-178.

Fair, J.M. and C. Miller. 1995. Two new host species for the parasitic blow fly Protocalliphora

            spaulata. Wilson Bull. 107:179-181.

Fair, J.M., L.C. McEwen, and P.L. Kennedy. 1994. Organochlorine residues in killdeer and

            eggs from North Dakota. Can. Field-Nat. 108:328-331.

Fair, J.M., G.D. Schmidt, and G. Wertheim. 1990. New species of Andrya and Paranoplocephala

            (Cestoidea: Anoplocephalidae) from voles and mole-rats in Israel and Syria. J. Parasitol.


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